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Ancient Traditions

Douglas C. Kiehl OMD, L.Ac.
1418 Holly Pike 
Carlisle, PA 17015-9102


Phone:   1 717 243 8500

Fax:        1 717 243 8500

E-mail: fragrantmtn11@aol.com


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Douglas C. Kiehl BA, MA ,OMD (Doctor of Oriental Medicine), L.Ac.(Licensed Acupuncturist), MD:MA (Doctor of Medicine: Medicina Alternativa) National Board Certified NCCAOM

Dr. Kiehl and Chinese Army Major General Kuo Jung Lee (Taiwan) exchanging Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine gifts 2018

Mr Gallimore and Dr. Kiehl visiting ancient Utzi Mummy subject 3350 BC Acupuncture, Como, Italian Alps, Italy 2022


Dr. Kiehl at British Museum Rosetta Stone discovery 200th Anniversary: Ancient Greek and Egyptian acupuncture 1500 BC   London UK 2022

Dr. Kiehl and Master Sendo, Japanese acupuncture, Shimogamo Shrine Kyoto, Japan

2019  (click)

Dr. Kiehl and Jean Kiehl investigating ancient Greek and Egyptian acupuncture 

Istanbul and Antalya Turkiye 2022

Dr. Kiehl & Dr. David Hwang, 7th Chinese Congress, Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine 1998  (click)

Dr. Kiehl and Master Tachi, Japanese acupuncture, Kyoto, Japan

2019  (click)

In memory of the late Master Seipoong (Ted) Chang, Korean Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine  Dong Eui Medical School Advisor, Seoul, S. Korea.   1988 (click)

Dr. Kiehl & Shingon Buddhist Monk Yamamoto exchanging gifts.  Shukubo Sainanin Temple Mountain of Shinto and Esoteric Buddhism, Koyasan, Japan

  2019     (click)

Dr. Kiehl and Jean Kiehl exploring Meso-American medicine Teotihucan Mexico City 2013

 Dr. Kiehl and  Shingon Buddhist Priest  Wada, Mountain of Shinto & Esoteric Buddhism, exchanging gifts, Koyasan, Japan

 2019   (click)

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